mercredi 20 mai 2015

1st International Workshop on "Management and Genetic Improvement of Animal Resources"

The workshop, held from 17 to 19 May 2015 in Tlemcen - Algeria, saw the active participation of researchers from the INRAA, namely Mr ABDELFETTAH M., Mr ELBOUYAHIAOUI R., Mr FANTAZI K. and Mr HAREK D. 

            This workshop will be consecrated for the putting up in place with the help of international, national experts and protagonist in socio-economic domain for a management plan concerning the zoo-genetic diversity on the one hand and for the improvement and preservation of native line which can reply for the needs of African market on the other hand.
            The invitation of Mrs Vandana Shiva, who is well-known with her international engagement against socio-economical and biologic risk of GMO, is an important asset for the protection of all the African countries against this phenomenon.
  • Rapprochement between the different protagonist in the domain of management and genetic improvement and creationof research’s network;
  • To discuss the plan of management and genetic resources made by Algerian scientific withl’ITElv by international experts;
  • To establish a definitive plan concerning the management and the improvement of genetic resources in Africa;
  • Presentation of different works realized on the domain of genetic characterization of domestic species.

Program of Oral Communications

Program of Poster Communications

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